Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My dad's a funny man

A few people have met my dad ,generally they regard him as a genuinely nice, placid, kind type of person and 99.9% of the time he is, so I'm not going to argue that one. Of the small failings that he does have, the one that I gain the most amusement from is his ability to tie his mind in knots over the most trivial circumstances. Some people would say that's because he's a Virgo and needs things to be 'just so' in order for his daily life to function as he expects it to. By expected I mean in accordance to his preconceived idea of exactly how the day will go according to his own mental plan. On an even smaller scale, there are times when his idea of what should be going on around him just doesn't fall into place and that's when his internal operating system just has a freak out. Take for example this morning. Now yesterday, I kindly asked my parents to drop something off at the dry cleaners for me, saying that I'd give them the money for it when I got home. I asked my mum last night how much it was and she said $10, no problems. So this morning I handed my dad $10 and said, 'this is for the dry cleaning' - (beep) there it was, he stalled !!? I could see his brain working trying to decipher what I had intended, him essentially second guessing my thoughts. Now when this happens, his capability of verbalising his thoughts becomes non existant. His response to me at this point was to say, 'How do you know ?' ...........'Huh, how do I know what exactly ?' . His next response was to say, 'Do you want any money back ?' ..........'Dad - what the hell are you on about ? The dry cleaning costs $10 right ?' ......'Yes, but you might be thinking it was less than that' .....'No, mum told me that it was $10, that's why I'm giving you $10'. OH NO, there it was again, the thought process stumble. I could see him processing what had just occurred, thinking about where I actually got the information from, how it came to pass. I stopped him mid stream and just said 'Dad, stop, you're going to do yourself some damage. Now mum told me the dry cleaning costs $10, I'm giving you that amount so you can pay for it today, ok ? No problems, right ?". Then there was quiet for a while. Eventually his mind correct itself and all was back to normal. I just had to laugh, with my dad, even the most basic conversations or situations can have him spinning around in his own mind for hours, LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh I can so imagine him doing this. Like when we go there and he asks me if I want some orange juice. It is easier to say that I want some even if I don't, because he does not know what to do if I refuse to have OJ and hovers by the fridge asking me again and again until I give in. Virgos :-P

3:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO - That explains why when I called you the other day he just sounded a bit confused for a couple of seconds then handed the phone over to your mum...& here I was just thinking he didn't have a bloody clue who I was and how the hell did I know his name :D


2:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time you should just demand a tax invoice.

8:55 am  

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