Wednesday, February 22, 2006

40 Winks

Life has kind of sucked for me in recent times, there's never any fun in that, no matter what you may intimate from the notion that 'sucking' is a good thing. Some good news did hit the street the other day however. My Aunty whose Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring residence is in Belgrade, has managed to steal her friends house in Paris for the month of September this year. As luck would have it, the invitation then got shot to my address in Sydney, Australia, meaning that if I can get togethor the $$ for the 22hr flight, then I can line up free accommodation. As they say in the classics, 'Sweet'

Now, let me draw your attention to something that ticked off more than just a few people the other day and has really gotten under my skin. Actually, let me call it the most MORONIC statement of the century, without going into aspects blatant racism. So, lets welcome to the table Liberal MP Dana 'the bigot' Vale . Her comments regarding the abortion drug RU486 and her concerns for 'Australia' went a little something like this;

Australians were ...'aborting themselves out of existence' ....continuing on to say that Australia could become a Muslim nation within 50 yrs.

Interesting to note that Dana's electorate encompasses the lovely area suburb of Sutherland whose VB swilling bretheren decided to bash a few 'lebs' and anyone else with 'different' coloured skin, different shaped eyes or dark hair a few months back. How does someone who represents 100,000 people and is a member of the incumbent political party actually get away with a non-sensical, ignorant, stupid and blatantly rascist line like that ? By direct association she's saying that 'Australians are not Muslim !?'...really ? Should we perhaps also add that Australians aren't Buddhist, Hindu, Atheists or any other denomination that isn't Protestant or Catholic. Was that a direct shot at Muslims of Middle Eastern descent ? What the F**K did she mean by that exactly ? I mean I could go on with how many sorts of wrong that is but really, it would be better just to write to her directly and point that finishing Yr 9 should probably be a prerequisite for entering parliament.

This is what the idiot looks like;

Here's her e-mail address:

The sort of crap that she came up from her small minded, dim witted, pea brain of a skull should warrant the same in return. To her I say, 'Go to hell' ....oops, she's a member of the Liberal Party, too late.


Blogger Natasha said...

"'Go to hell' ....oops, she's a member of the Liberal Party, too late"
Though what she said is shocking, it doesn't shock me. I have unfortunately just lately become aware of a not-so-distant very dark patch in Australia. Yeah, when I came to Australia I never paid attention to Australian history clases because to me it always seemed so boring compared with my French history lessons. This means that until the last month or so I was totally unaware of the "White Australia" policy. Or maybe it's something that is generally not discussed and better off swept under the rug, but it's not so long ago that that policy ended. I think a lot of "Australians" still have a fair way to go in terms of adjusting.

8:12 pm  
Blogger Daelomin said...

I emailed her. I said that:

"Your comments are a disgrace for any true politician.
Wait no, for any true human being. You are just a racist little old bigot. Utterly WASP.
Angry me."

and I'll drink to that.

5:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to admit, she is pretty sexy. I like a woman who can stand behind her ideals. And it took far less than 50 years for Australia to become an anglo-saxon country.

8:33 am  

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