Wednesday, January 18, 2006


On a gloomy day let me start with this inspirational little link considering that the only real vice that I have is one that keeps me awake, alive, lucid and functioning. Here's the flipside thought, this will tell you how many cups and cans of whatever it is would take me out, if I at any point chose to take it to the limit ! -

So lets run a few examples based on some of my more common caffeine choices

1 - 97.08 cups of Instant Coffee would take me out. At my current rate I'm only filling my death quote by 4% a day. Not particularly promising but I guess if I went at the rate of 10 cups an hour I could take myself out at work during the day . An interesting option to go with and one that would cause a little bit of drama...oooh, can someone say, office rumour mill.

2 - 139.56 cans of Red Bull !! Damn, I thought this would have been a greater help. Considering my best conversion rate in a day is 3 cans, equivalent to only 2% of my death quota, I'd rather look for alternatives, especially something less costly !!

3 - 323.1 cans of Coke-Zero. That's piss-weak ! After drinking with Adrian on the weekend I only cracked 0.006% of my needed kill total. That's just too much work for too little reward !

Top of the Pops

Starbucks Tall Coffee - only 29.77 of these babies for me to go Hammer Time.

So, what's the deal ??? Well the deal is this, I can't see myself ever being taken out by one too many cappucino's, so I might as well put them to good use and leave my footprint here, a caffeinated induced rant or several for all to enjoy.


Rainy afternoon in Sydney, yeah, spot fires being created for the sake of progress. For the sake of production, perhaps even maintenance and justification. I think that's closer to the mark, justifying my position by being able to justify someone elses. Such is the monotony of the daily grind of the 9-5. For those that haven't gathered my slightly meloncholy tone could only possibly mean one thing, today is boring the living shit out of me because it's trivial and in the grand scheme of things, meaningless....and I don't mean the standard conceptual idea of meaningless, as in 'Oh man, we're all microbes in a huge sea of atoms, what we do is meaningless in the grand scheme'. No, I don't subscribe to that drivel, rather this corporatised sphere where many of our lives are constructed, today's action is meaningless because I don't think it'll have too much worth. Still, it allows me to buy some lasagne for dinner and that, well, that ain't bad.
For the sake of reminding myself and also providing some friendly inspiration for the weekend, I read this little report on the SMH yesterday regarding the Doma Bohemian Beer Cafe. Traditional Slovak and Czech cuisine, which is typically meat, sauerkraut, dumplings, beer, some type of gravy/sauce and more meat with your beer - NICE. Not quite soul food but stuff that will drop your voice an octave or so for all comers. That might just make my agenda for the upcoming weekend or the one after. Am I bugging you ? Don't mean to bug you. Rainy afternoon in Sydney, yeah, do you like, have my back ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are one crazy crazy man :-P Lucky for me that I can deal with this, being your wife and all ;-)

11:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that you are a METRO POOF

11:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Yes he does love his lavender shirt :-P

10:06 am  

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