Frankie Muniz must pay !!!!
Originally I was going to put a call out and ask that the 23rd of January become Bash Frankie Muniz day but then I realised that would simply be too easy on him. So, I'm asking all people, that have ever seen his chipmunk face on TV, have ever wondered what Webster would have looked like if he was white and a foot taller, to embrace this day - Torment Frankie Muniz Day.
Now before people start thinking, awww, he's just a kid - NAH !!!! D.O.B 05-DEC-85 !! That's right, the irritating little sod hits his 21st birthday later this year so that means that going to town on him is the only fair thing that humanity can do in compensation for having to hear his squeaky voice or needing to see that little cutsie squashed, pug dog like face. To make matters even worse, the dude changed his name to Frankie Muniz, from.......wait for it, (Francisco Muniz IV).....I was about to say that perhaps his parents should be tormented also but now I figure that they're just too cool and got into the torment of their offspring years before we decided to do it, to them I offer my congratulations.
Dumbass Frankie Giving Us a - That's Tops.
What a Tool !!

This is what I'm asking of people, it's pretty simple,
all we need is a barrage of harrassment for one day. If you're in your car and you see pip squeak Muniz rock up next to you in his car, flip him off. If he gives you that Malcolm in the Middle type of "Huh" look then get on yoour horn, point at his tyres, whatever. If Frankie rocks up at the fast food drive through, refuse to serve him. If you pass him on the street, call him a tool directly to his face ...... it's just got to sink in with this little elf that the only gig he should be getting is at his local mall during Christmas sitting on Santas lap !
Now considering that Mr 'Frankie goes to Hollywood' Muniz now lives on the island of Manhattan, there's a bunch of willing people surrounding him that can make his life a living hell on the 23rd of January each year. He simply needs to be reminded that he's got no business being beamed into our lives via the box nor do we need to see him in 'elongated form' at the cinema.
Frankie giving his 'Whatchu Talking About Willis' look.
His audition to play Arnold in the 2004 version of
Different Strokes failed after the producers realised
he was a DUMBASS !!!
So, I think at this juncture we should offer 5 alternative jobs for Muniz because we all know that his ability as an actor is about equivalent to George Bush's skills as a diplomat.
1. Department store mannequin , obviously for children's wear.
2. Bar owner with other child drop-kick 'star' Macaulay Culkin
3. Host of Teen Tool Idol where the only contestant is him, on a closed network so that nobody sees him.
4. A jockey
5. A penquin - ok, that's not realistic and it doesn't pay anything but anytime he wears a suit I can only think of him as being on overgrown penguin that should be belted with a baseball bat !!
So, that's it - please report any Frankie Muniz sightings to me and also how you managed to make to torment him during the day. It'll make me sleep easy at night.
You really do have waaaaaay to much time on your hands :-P Maybe get this worked up about the fact that the world is being run by right wing fundamentalists instead :-P
It's s ad day when short people go around looking for other short folks to pick on.
I mean sure we could all sit back for a Dwarf vs Dwarf celbrity death match with Henry "The Economist" Elisher facisng down Frankier Muniz, Mano e mano, but cheap laughs aside, what will that get us?
lol Adrian!
H, I can't believe you even know that guy's name. It was definitely worth the good laugh, but why January 23rd? and if you say "why not", we're dropping you off at the culkin-muniz bar :P
Oh yeah, and congrats on finally fixing the comments!
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