Sunday, April 23, 2006

Phew, am taking a break from studying and assignment preparation at the moment. It's funny, the more I research and the more knowledge I try to obtain the more I realise that information is simply a resolution to someone's earlier error. So to in my current reading in criminal law. All these cases that made their way to the High Court are 'usually' because at the initial trial the presiding judge gave the jury a misdirection in law. Now I'm thinking, if there sits a judge with X many years experience and also a defence and prosecution that don't pick up the error then how the hell am I as a first year student meant to figure out what the hell should be going on !? Anyway, most of it is subjective so all the better. I can just throw in some bs here and there, mix it together and get some type of result - which coincedentally is the whay I like to cook !

Hmm - now I feel I should just make up something because my mind has gone blank and there's nothing particularly fascinating for me to add. So here goes, ' the designer pants of the modern day Lutheran is similar in cut to those previously worn by The Amish during the 1940's. These days, Lutheran teens go into town, full of confidence and in the knowledge that their strides should do all the talking. Some people have stated that the Lutheran renaissance is a backlash ............ahh...I can't be bothered, I'll be back soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah but you are a Yugoslav which means you were born with the gift of being able to talk out of your ass :-P so when you are "the law" I am sure that the Judges will love you. "Everybody loves Henry".

10:47 am  
Blogger Natasha said...

If not they'll just use the usual refrain of 'aww poor Henry' and you'll win the sympathy vote.
Welcome back to the blog! Can't wait to hear more about those Lutheran dacks :)

2:00 am  

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