Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The day is darkest before the dawn

I'm really unsure of how I'd like to write this entry. From a personal point of view the last week has been one of the worst I've had in quite sometime. I had already been on a motivational and emotional low when the week kicked off but that paled by comparison to the loss of two people that have had an impact on the people that I care about plus myself directly. Coupled with that, today is also the anniversary of my uncle passing away. Even though it was three years ago it's still quite raw and there are a hell of a lot of things that I see, hear or do that remind me of him. Ditched, kicked and hit - that's my week. I'm not saying that these things have affected me more than anyone else, just that the combination of all elements has made it personally trying in terms of work, study, socially interaction, etc. So right now I'm trying to find the way out. Usually if I can cling on to one thing and get it working then most other things tend fall into place - pity that all facets for me generally suck right now and there's nothing that I can really hang my hat on. Anyway, that's all I've got, will be back, hopefully on a brighter day,


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